The Board of Trustees met for its regular meeting in the Admiral Lawrence Banquet Room at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium beginning at 0800 on May 12, 2017. ADM Robert J. Natter, ’67 USN (Ret.), Chair of the Board of Trustees, acted as chair of the meeting and Captain William R. Dawson ’82, SC, USN (Ret.) acted as secretary of the meeting.
The Chair welcomed all and determined that a quorum was present. General Leo Williams and Jim Adkins were excused in advance from the Board meeting by ADM Natter. The Chair then talked about the Distinguished Graduate Award Program and determined that further discussion was in order. A motion to meet in Executive Session was approved.
The regular session of the meeting came to order at 0826. The Chair publicly thanked all those that were on the working group to establish the new DGA selection process. He then observed the “Last Call” and asked for a moment of silence for those members who passed away since the last meeting.
The following actions were taken by the Board:
- Approved the DGA Program Guidelines
- Approved December 2016 minutes
- Approved the Election of Alumni Association officers
- Approved the FY 17-18 budget
- Approved the Nominating Committee
- Approved Shared Interest Group Pilot Program
In his remarks, the Chair provided an overview of what was discussed by the Executive Committee in their meeting the day before on May 11. He also advised that the Executive Committee had unanimously approved the Authorization to Transact Business Resolution. In addition, Hank Sanford, the CFO, provided an update on the progress of the Alumni Association and Foundation co-location initiative and an overview of the FY17-18 budget.
Hank Sanford presented the Joint Finance & Audit Committee’s report, and a resolution on the FY18 budget was approved. Doug Borrebach ’84, chair of the Board of Elections certified the 2017 elections for the new Eastern and Central Regional trustees.
Reports were received from Nominations, Membership and Alumni Services, Admissions, Governance, House, Communications and Other Chapter Selection Committees. Spence Johnson ’63 updated the board on the Council of Class Presidents, to include the election of trustee Jefferey “Murph” McCarthy ’00 as president of the Council of Class Presidents, and Gary Storm ’68 as his vice. Byron Marchant ’78, President and CEO gave the President’s Report. Bill Dawson ’82 gave an update on the Organizations 2020 objectives and Bill O’Connor gave his report with details on the USNA Foundation Campaign.
A motion was approved to have Byron Marchant act as chair pro tem upon Admiral Natter’s early departure.
Steve Vahsen ‘85, Executive Director for Strategy at the US Naval Academy, spoke about the current happenings at the Naval Academy and strategic priorities of the Superintendent. Mike Mundt ’83 gave the USNA Alumni Association and Foundation Joint Investment report.
The chair pro tem then introduced each Trustee who was departing from the Board and thanked them for their service.
Bill Peerenboom ’57 | Garry Hall ‘76 | |
Ples Bruce ’77 | Glen Woods ‘78 | |
Ray Witter ‘64 | Matt Elias ‘78 | |
Royce Engler ’73 | Spence Johnson ‘63 | |
Jeff Webb ’95 |
The chair pro tem then opened the floor to questions from the audience.
The meeting adjourned.
The new Board of Trustees convened in the N* Room at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium. Byron Marchant ’78, President and CEO of the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association and Foundation, acted as chair pro tem of the meeting and Captain William R. Dawson ‘82, SC, USN, (Ret.) acted as secretary of the meeting, to include the newly appointed board members:
Richard Cataldi ’69 | William Squires ‘75 | |
David Cooper ’57 | Gary Storm ‘68 | |
Michael Novak ’70 | Steve Colón '81 | |
Greg Colandrea ’90 | John Augusto ‘02 | |
Daniel Quattrini ‘81 |
A quorum was present. The chair pro tem announced the next meeting date: 07 December 2017. The meeting was then adjourned at 1201.
CAPT Bill Dawson ‘82 led the Board and those present in singing two verses of Navy Blue and Gold.
William R. Dawson '82
Updated: October 11, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore